Certificate of correction

Obtaining a certificate of correction in New York City is generally a straightforward process, but it requires following the proper procedures and submitting the necessary documentation. Here are the key points regarding certificates of correction in NYC:
For NYC Department of Buildings Violations:
- Certificate of Correction requests for DOB violations must be submitted online through the DOB NOW portal.
- Required forms like AEU2, AEU3321, or AEU20 must be completed, notarized, and uploaded.
- Email notifications are sent regarding the status of the review.
For NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Violations:
- Property owners can certify corrections of HPD violations online through eCertification or by mail.
- Details like the violation number, correction date, and contractor info must be provided.
- False certifications can result in penalties and potential criminal charges.
In general, as long as the proper documentation is provided and procedures are followed, obtaining a certificate of correction for various records in NYC is a straightforward administrative process, though fees may apply.
How to deal with it? It is best to address NOVs as soon as possible, especially for class 1 violations. The civil penalties for dragging your feet can rise to $25,000 dollars. Basically, only the Certificate of Correction will stop the clock.
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